The Meaning of Welcome

The Meaning of Welcome:

In our baptisms, we entered a covenant relationship with God. (BCP 304) Two of those promises were to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. And the other, to strive for justice and peace among all people and to respect the dignity of every human being. With God’s help, we will do this.

We are called to love all people because GOD LOVES ALL PEOPLE.  Married, Single, Divorced, Seekers, Skeptics.  LGBTQ+, Black, Brown, Indigenous, people of color.  All races, all creeds and cultures.  Whatever your age or background, whoever you are, whoever you love, and wherever you are in your journey, YOU are welcome here. There is room for all in God’s Family. There is a place at the table for YOU.

This church is a Safe Space. Come with your questions. Come with your doubts. Come with your hurts, joys, and concerns. When WE say ALL are Welcome here, we mean ALL.

Produced by the Office of Communications for The Episcopal Church

“If it’s not about LOVE, it’s not about GOD.”

– Presiding Bishop Michael Curry –